The Importance of Being Unique

I bought a new iPhone 4 the other day and as this is my first iPhone, (I’ve been waiting for it to come to Verizon) I was leery about buying into all the hype about the iPhone in comparison to other smartphones.

But after purchasing my phone and downloading several apps, I came to the conclusion that its all worth the hype.  It’s interface is so appealing and so easy to use.  The motion graphics really appeal to your visual senses and make you want to keep messing around with the interface. All this interaction with my iPhone and its appealing aesthetics made me start thinking about aesthetics from a personal or professional point of view.

How we present our individual selves or our businesses aesthetically says so much about what we are.  It is important that the image you are projecting is the image you want the world to see.  It’s easy to want to get lost in the “be like everyone else” syndrome because the thinking goes if it’s popular for them, then maybe it will also be for me or my business as well.

But that is the first mistake. If it has already been done and even possibly perfected…move on.  Don’t ever try to imitate or copy someone else’s aesthetic direction. Because then you are just a carbon copy, an imitation – and no one buys into imitations, in fact they’re sometimes actually avoided.   Part of what makes others stand up and take notice of something is its individuality – it’s uniqueness.  Standing out from the crowd is by far the best thing you can do for marketing yourself or your business (well, there’s many more steps to having a successful business but this is a really good start).

If you want others to take time out of their own very hectic, very busy and self-absorbed everyday life, then you will have to show them something that they aren’t used to seeing. Something that distracts them from what their eyes have become accustomed to.   Keep in mind this isn’t about being big and flashy or strangely odd – it’s about being unique.

The definition of unique: 1) being the only one. 2) being without a like or equal.  3) distinctly characteristic.  4) unusual

Remember you are a unique individual and so is your business.  So stay unique and true to yourself throughout your business endeavors and success will surely come.  🙂

About The Web Design Girl

Web and Graphic Designer offering services for Web Design, Web Marketing, Identity Branding, and Design for Print
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