Make your dreams meet your reality

“Don’t be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.” – Belva Davis

I get inspirational quotes sent to my iGoogle home page each day and this one popped up earlier on my computer screen.  It really speaks to me because I feel such a correlation between where my heart is at with my dreams and where my head is at in reality.  It’s easy to let daily struggles and life’s little set backs to deter us from our direction and purpose in life.

Some of the most successful people in life have been those who were rejected or told they couldn’t make it.  But they all had one thing in common…they were all dreamers with a vision or goal that they were working towards.  “You may say I’m a dreamer but I’m not the only one.”

So I say, never give up on your dreams or your goals – because your only set back will be yourself.  Keep taking one step in front of you, always looking ahead and eventually you will reach it.  It’s when we lose focus or forget what matters to us most is when we get side tracked.  Life is always full of obstacles, but it’s those who can find a way around their obstacles that will succeed.

About The Web Design Girl

Web and Graphic Designer offering services for Web Design, Web Marketing, Identity Branding, and Design for Print
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